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An IntroductionPeterborough Performance History Types of Play Mummers Plays Today Further Information History
Performances were solely made by men, often plough boys or farm workers and most popularly celebrated the legend of St. George, though there are regional variations. The plays were purposefully short in form and passed on by word of mouth. They were devised such that they could be performed quickly at a landowner or wealthy persons house, with the main aim being to solicit money, drink or food in return for entertainment. The wonder and excitement of the play is captured here :- “But yester-eve, and the mummers were here! They had come striding into the old kitchen, powdering the red brick floor with snow from their barbaric bedizenements; and stamping, and crossing, and declaiming, till all was whirl and riot and shout ……” Brevity and speed were thus of utmost importance to the cast! It was also deemed good form to keep a low profile before and after the performance, thereby adding to and retaining the mystery surrounding the origin of the plays themselves. Δ Types of Play:
Mummers Plays TodayThe plays have survived in various forms right up to the present day but due to elements of fluidity within an unwritten folklore tradition have rendered the original meaning contained in the plays to be lost. However, the tradition of the theatrical dame being played by a man may well have some link with the original plays where the lady or damsel was indeed played by a man. Most groups around today were formed out of the post WWII folk revival movement and have sought to re-establish local plays within the tradition for which it was originally intended. Δ Further InformationAn Introduction to the English Mummers’ Play by E. Cass & S. Roud-published by the English folk Dance and Song Society. See www.efdss.org The excellent National Centre for English Cultural Tradition, University of Sheffield website http://www.folkplay.info/index.htm Δ Peterborough Mummers' PlayThe first performance took place on Saturday 25th
June at the Peterborough Festival to a small, but appreciative audience.
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