July 1994

As a founder member of this club, may I welcome other groups from
Huntingdonshire to our 50th anniversary Party.
Amateur drama has figured largely in my non-working life, over 100
productions, and I recall with gratitude a host of memories and valued friends
it has brought me. Some of those close friends are no longer with us but always
All clubs experience their highs and lows, their successes and flops, their
unwanted back-stage dramas, the important thing is not to loose heart and to
carry on.
A great bonus of amateur drama is the camaraderie that exists between all
participants, back-stage as well as those in the public eye. There is bound to
be rivalry and competition between club and among club members but the strong
bonding and mutual respect are still there. Think of happenings and anecdotes
that can only be told and only be appreciated by like-minded people.
Tonight, however, there is no spirit of competition. We are all here to have
an enjoyable evening. Thank you for joining our party and taking part in the
Jack Hyde