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Autumn 1992

The Cast
- Saul Hodgkin - Tony Gaskell
- Richard Winthrop - Michael Black
- Elsie, his wife - Diane Kelly
- Charles Murdock - Peter Vialls
- Peggy, his wife - Judith Jordan
- Miss Bourne - Gill Butler
- Teddie Deakin - Nicholas Hemens
- Julia Price - Jo Gray
- Herbert Price - Charles Looker
- John Sterling - Jack Hyde
- Jackson - Phil Collins
The Crew
- Directors - Dominic Whitehead & Rouland Liiv
- Stage Managers - Peter Barton & Chris Hunnam
- Set Design - Chris Hunnam, inspired by Colin Chalk
- Lighting - Claire Goovaerts
- Sound Effects - John Morgan
- Costumes - Trish James
- Hairdressing - Beryl-Anne
- Publicity - Willie Wilson
- Front of House - Trish James, Brian and Linda Jackson, Linda and Emma
Savory, & Peter Foley
- Stage Crew - Matthew Redman, Robert Lister & Tony and Virginia Mullins
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Huntingdon Drama Club extends grateful thanks to the
Caretaker, Commemoration Hall; Harlequin Costume Hire; Trevor Morgan, for the
loan of his revolver; Michael Black and Charles Looker for the generous use of
their living rooms, with supplies of coffee; Diane Kelly for the cookies; Imrays,
for printing this programme; and to Derren Plows for understanding why we could
not allow him to play the role of Teddie.
The Programme Cover and Photos
